
Brent Crandal, PhD

Brent Crandal, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist based out of San Diego, providing treatment to youth, young adults, and families in California for a wide range of psychological needs.

He has worked in health centers since 2008, including Rady Children’s Hospital – San Diego, the University of New Mexico Health System and UC San Diego Health. While at Rady Children’s Hospital he was the director of Behavioral Health Quality Improvement, bolstering evidence-based clinical services and programs. Through the Chadwick Center at Rady Children’s Hospital, he is the scientific advisor and developer of the Advancing California’s Trauma-Informed Systems (ACTS) Initiative in partnership with California’s Department of Social Services.

Dr. Crandal has co-authored research articles and guides for cognitive behavioral therapists treating anxiety, childhood traumatic stress, and depression, including the often-utilized Modular CBT for Children and Adolescents with Depression: A Clinician’s Guide to Individualized Treatment. His research has focused on treatment measurement, screening, trauma-informed care and system-level change. He created Motivational Enhancement for Engagement in Treatment (MEET), an empirically-supported intervention used throughout San Diego County Behavioral Health Services to support treatment utilization.

Dr. Crandal has taught courses in the UC San Diego School of Medicine and University of San Diego Department of Psychological Sciences and has guest-lectured at UC San Diego Department of Psychiatry and San Diego State University College of Education. He has provided training, consultation and has presented internationally, including with the El Salvador Ministry of Education and Comic-Con San Diego. He is also a children’s literature author.

Contact Dr. Crandal

Clinical Psychologist │ Researcher │ Author │ Behavioral Health, Family Well-Being & Trauma-Informed Care Advocate

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